Mei 05, 2011

He is My Super Hero --> MY DAD

Dear Blogger,
Udah lama ga ngeblog nih, mencoba untuk kembali berkarya (karya apaan coba??). Malam ini, setelah ngepost 1 entri tentang summaries novel, saya mau ngepost entri tentang rindu. Yah..di-mid-night menjelang, saya galau! tapi galau bukan sembarang galau. I MISS MY SUPER DADDY!!! Really guys! I miss him. T_____T
Sejak kecil, begitu erat kedekatan saya dengan beliau. Segenap hidup saya dipenuhi dengan semua peraturan dari ayah. Yappp!! PERATURAN! but, bukan KEKANGAN! Berkat peraturan-peraturan itu lah kini telah menghantrakan saya menjadi gadis 20 tahun yang kian beranjak dewasa. Saya hanya ingin berbagi betapa malam ini, kerinduan dengan ayah sudah berhasil membuat saya berderai. Saya rindu akan kebijaksanaan beliau, ketekunan beliau, kesabaran beliau, dan semua sifat tentang ayah.
Here they are!!
1. larangan bagi saya untuk menggunting rambut.
    Yap, sejak usia 7 tahun, saya berkewajiban untuk memanjangkan rambut. sependek2nya potongan rambut saya, adalah 2jari dibawah bahu. menginjak masa SMA, saya nekat mendaftarkan diri di salah satu SMA Unggulan di kab. Bangka tanpa sedikit pun restu dari ayah. karena memang beliau sama sekali tidak mengizinkan saya untuk bersekolah disana. dan satu hal yang paling membuat beliau marah dan meneteskan air matanya PERTAMA KALI untuk saya adalah ketika saya diterima disekolah tersebut dan mengharuskan saya tinggal diasrama. Bukan stay diasrama yang jadi penyebabnya. Akan tetapi salah satu peraturan asrama dimana saya diharuskan memotong rambut 2 jari dibawah telinga. Oh my God!! betapa saya serasa benar2 hina telah membuat ayah menangis..T_T untuk pertama kalinya saya menentang beliau.
2. Switch off the TV when magrib comes
    Tentu saja. disaat magrib tiba, tak ada satu orang pun yang berani menghidupkan TV ketika dirumah. Dengan senang hati ayah tentu akan marah jika tv dihidupkan dikala magrib. Di beberapa rumah yang saya datangi jarang ada peraturan seperti itu. bahkan mereka dengan acuhnya menyetel dengan volume besar. saya merasa beruntung karena ayah mendidik kami akan hal seperti itu dimana masih ada orang tua yang tidak bersikap seperti itu. Ayah, dirantauan ini..tak ku temukan peraturan yang seperti kau terapkan dirumah..sungguh betapa saya benar2 merindukanmu, Ayah..T__T
3. Semangat kerja mu yang menjadi teladan bagi ku.
    Lelah?? itu tak ada dalam kamusmu, ayah. bagaimana tidak, setelah pulang bekerja, ayah hanya meluangkan waktu untuk sholat-makan-menyapa anak2nya, lalu?? kembali mengasah parang yang akan menjadi temannya pergi ke kebun. Subhannallah. tak pernah sedikitpun saya mendengar engkau lelah akan bekerja. Di kebun pun dengan semangatnya ayah mengayunkan parang sambil berkeliling kebun. Sesekali ayah bersama cangkul menyingkirkan alang2 yang menjadi musuh bagimu. hanya beberapa menit sebelum magrib menjelang baru ayah akan beranjak pulang.
4. Air hangat ramuan ayah
    Ouuppss.. ini bukan sesajen atau serah2an atau pemujaan. tetapi ini lah salah satu dari sekian yang sangat ku banggakan dari ayah. dikala anak2nya sakit, ayah selalu merawat kami. bukannya ibu tiada, akan tetapi ayah melakukan ini karena tidka mau menyusahkan ibu. beliau yang turun tangan mengurus kami, mulai dari berobat-makan-minum obat-hingga mandi. Yapp dengan ramuan ini lah kami mandi. Dengan sigapp ayah akan merebus air untuk mandi kami dikala sakit. 2x sehari rutin tanpa lupa seklaipun. Beliau mulai memetik dedaunan rempah seperti daun jeruk, kemuning, lengkuas, serai, salam, jerangau, melati, dan dedaunan lainnya yang kemudian dimasukkan kedalam dandang berisi air dan segera direbus hingga mendidih. setelah mendidih, beliau tuangkan rebusan tersebut kedalam baskom dengan dicampur air dingin, lalu menjemput saya yang ketika sedang sakit dan berkata, "nak..ramuan siap dan marii mandi. habiskan airnya dan akan kaurasakan kesegarannya. kau akan smebuh, nak". Ya Allah..tak ku temukan juga ramuan2 ayah dikala sakit dirantaun ini..T___T

guys... saya rasa sampai disini dulu ya, to be continue next time. karena saya tidak sanggup jika harus ngampus esok hari dengan mata bengkak. 4 cerita pokok ini pun tak kuasa membendung air mata ini. benar2 saya merindukan ayah... seperti namanya, beliau begitu SABAR dalam menghadapi hidup. kurang bersyukur apalagi saya memiliki sosok ayah seperti itu.. good!! enough!! stop crying! see ya guys...nite n sleep tight..

Summary of The Pearl ( a novel written by John Steinbeck)

The Pearl
            In the little wooden house, there lives a poor family. Kino, as a fisherman who has a wife and a son. One day, when Kino and Juana sat by the fire, they were shocked by something moved on one of the ropes where Coyotito was sleeping in the hanging box. Kino and Juana stood quite still and looked. A scorpion was coming slowly down the rope and its tail was straight out behind. Kino tried to chase away the scorpion but suddenly Coyotito laughed and touched the rope, the scorpion felt. The scorpion stung Coyotito. Coyotito screamed.
Kino, Juana, and their neighbors brought the baby went to the doctor in the town. In front of the doctor’s house, Kino knocked the door and waited. After a moment, the big gate opened and a man who opened the door was a man of Kino’s race. Then Kino spoke to him for their arrival. But the doctor refused to treat the baby because Kino didn’t have any money. Kino was very angry because of the doctor’s refusal.
            Kino, Juana, and Coyotito came to the beach to find pearls by their canoe. First they searched the oyster beds; the oyster beds were very valuable because any oyster might have a pearl in it. Then, Kino saw a very large oyster lying by itself. Kino tried to open the oyster. What a surprised for them because they saw a great pearl in it, a largest pearl in the world. Kino becomes very excited thinking that the pearl will treat Coyotito by brings him to the doctor and also will make them become rich. All people know it and make them become jealous. In the night, their neighbors, his brother, and the priest come to the Kino’s wooden house to know about the pearl. And until the doctor know it and also come to Kino’s wooden house. He will treat the baby because he knows that Kino will be a rich person. The same night, a thief attempts to steal the pearl and attacks Kino. Juana cried and said the pearl was bad and would destroy them.
The next day, Kino was going to sell the pearl. He comes to a pearl dealer, who wanted buy the pearl with price 1,000 pesos because he said that the pearl was too big. Kino believed that the pearl is worth 50,000 pesos, so he thought that the buyer wanted to cheat him. Then he came to the other buyers, but the same thing happened. He decided to go to the capital to sell the pearl tomorrow morning. In the night, another thief came and wanted to attack Kino. Again, Juana convinced that the pearl is bad and bring a bad effect for them. But Kino didn’t believe it. Secretly, when Kino getting slept, Juana woke up and took the pearl and brought it to the beach. Kino knew it and became very angry. He got up and followed Juana and stopped Juana angrily when Juana ready to throw the pearl into the sea. Kino turned away and walked down through the bushes. Suddenly, a man attacked him and Kino attacked him back with his knife. Juana saw two men lying in front of her. The stranger man had blood coming from his throat. Kino was killed the man. Juana pulled the dead man into the bushes. And they had to run away before people knew Kino is a killer.
            They decided to go to the city in the north. They passed through the forest and in the middle of journey they were followed by 3 men. Kino decided to bring Juana and Coyotito to hide in the mountain. In there, they found some cave. The men wouldn’t find them if they hide in the cave. The men heard the puppy cried like a baby. Kino attacked and killed two men, took the rifle. The other man runs to the pool. Kino fired the rifle between the man’s eyes. But something wrong happened. He listened rising cry from the cave. Juana mourned Coyotito death.
            Kino and Juana came back to the town. They didn’t care anyone. They came near the sea. Juana convinced Kino to throw out the pearl. Kino threw the pearl as far as he could. Kino and Juana watched the pearl went down and lay on the floor of the sea. The pearl was gone.
                                                                        The End